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Three-dimensional animations projected through advanced technology, giving the user a realistic sensation of the object in motion. This technology is designed for 3D communication at points of sale, brand displays,   fairs, for   promotion or information.


Multisensory virtual immersion in real or animated environments, in which emotions will be experienced in amazing environments. With Virtual Reality,   can be made known through immersive experiences: Products, Services, Brands   or Businesses.

Corporate video games designed for your brand or multisensory interactive experiences of: Games, challenges and fun activities that activate your senses


Combination of interactive experiences between the virtual dimension and that of the real world, lived through smart devices.
With this technology we can design elements, avatars, 3D logos and to create brand experiences , products or services, interactive invitations, real estate projects among others.  We can also develop hybrid experiences connected to other media, according to the corporate strategy.

Photos and videos


Interactive Virtual Tour

Take  360º photography and video, with the latest technology to offer different content formats,  attractive and interactive, where we turnbusinesses, generating very positive impacts.

Recording, design and editing of videos with innovative formats and graphic elements, creating valuable content, to have a more attractive communication with customers.

Digital tours of real spaces, captured in 360º photographs, which allow the user to get to know  space in an innovative way and  realistically and interact with the products  or services in videos, photos, brochures o  links that can lead the user to have a 3D experience or a real purchase by the commerce  brand.
The means to have this virtual experience are: Cell phones, Computers, Tablets and Virtual Reality Glasses.


Digitization of real spaces and structures or virtual constructions through plans and other models,  that allow  to visualize in a modern way, real spaces, dimensions or projections of places with interior or exterior design changes.


Photographic scanner for surveying plans with 3D measurements and marking  of zones, using point cloud technology.

3D Evacuation Plans with interactive or video evacuation route.




We are a company that provides state-of-the-art solutions  technology for  Companies or  Personal projects.   We consider ourselves strategic allies of our clients, promoting  the technology  in the country, through  project development  successful with innovation.  

Data protection policy 

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